Wednesday, March 22, 2023

ZATCA clarifies regulations for the entry of Medicines into Saudi Arabia

ZATCA clarifies regulations for the entry of Medicines into Saudi Arabia

The Zakat, Tax and Customs Authority (ZATCA) in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia clarified the regulations governing the importation of medicines into the country. Follow Saudi Expatriates on Google News

Medicines are among the restricted products whose entry needs a sealed medical prescription that's need to be presented to the representative of the Food and Drug Authority at the customs port, the ZATCA authority stated on its official Twitter handle.

- This came in response to a query the authority had received from one of the user who wanted to know the regulations for a certain drug he wanted to import into the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Read : External loudspeakers of mosques are only for call for the prayer and iqamat

- The medical prescription must include a statement indicating to the patient's need for the medication. It also provides the drug's scientific name, as different countries use different trade names, and it must refer to the drugs effectiveness.

No tax on employee salaries, allowances and rewards - ZATCA

- Earlier this, The Zakat, Tax and Customs Authority confirmed that the tax does not applies to workers wages, salaries, allowances and rewards that the employee receives from his employer.

- This comes from the Ask Zakat stating that, tax does not apply to salaries or wages or any other cash amounts like allowances, rewards the the worker gets from his company. Recommend : Working hours during Ramadan as per Saudi Labor Law

- The authority added that, you can deduct expenses in the tax return if they are in the context of carrying out economic activity only, and the tax has been incurred on them.

- This was in response to an inquiry from a Saudi citizen, who asked, "When entering the tax return, are the shop rents, employee salaries and expenses calculated for the shop or not"? Most Viewed : Do's and Dont's during Ramadan in Saudi Arabia

ZATCA clarifies regulations for the entry of Medicines into Saudi Arabia -