Friday, March 3, 2023

Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Egypt and GCC condemns the statements of Israeli Finance Minister

Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Egypt and GCC condemns the statements of Israeli Finance Minister

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia expressed the Kingdom's strong condemnation of the extremist statements made by an Israeli occupation official, by demanding for an (erasing) the Palestinian village of Hawara.

The Ministry confirmed the Saudi Arabia's complete rejection of these racist and irresponsible statements, which reflect the extent of violence and extremism practiced by the occupying Israeli entity towards the brotherly Palestinian people. See Also : Palestine issue is at forefront of issues supported by Saudi Arabia's Foreign Policy

- The Ministry stressed its demand on the international community to assume its responsibilities to deter these shameful practices, stop the escalation, and provide the necessary protection for civilians.

Qatar also condemns the statements of the Minister of Finance of Israel :

The State of Qatar condemned, in the strongest terms, the Israeli Minister of Finance's call to erase the Palestinian town of Hawara, considering it a serious incitement to a war crime.

- The Qatari Ministry of Foreign Affairs affirmed that this hateful and provocative call represents an extension of the escalatory policy adopted by the Israeli government in the occupied Palestinian territories, and in this context holds the Israeli occupation authorities solely responsible for the cycle of violence that will result from this systematic policy against the Palestinian people, their lands and sanctities of Islamic and Christian. Recommend : List of prohibited items from bringing into Saudi Arabia

- The Ministry highlighted the need for the international community to act urgently to protect the Palestinian civilian population, including expanding and activating existing protection mechanisms to prevent and deter violations. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs reaffirms Qatar's firm position on the justice of the Palestinian cause, the legitimate rights of the brotherly Palestinian people, and the establishment of their independent state on the 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital.

Egypt and Gulf Cooperation Council condemns the statements of the Israeli Finance Minister :

The Secretary-General of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf, Professor Jassem Muhammad Al-Budaiwi, condemned the racist statements of the Israeli Minister of Finance, which called for the destruction of the Palestinian village of Hawara.

- He stressed the firm stances of the GCC states towards the Palestinian issue as the first issue of Arabs and Muslims, and support for the establishment of an independent Palestinian state within the borders of the fourth, June 1967 AD, with East Jerusalem as its capital, and the need to support all regional and international efforts to advance the peace process in the Middle East, and put an end to illegal practices that It threatens the two-state solution in accordance with the Arab Peace Initiative and the resolutions of international legitimacy. Join Saudi Expatriates on Whatsapp group

Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Egypt and GCC condemns the statements of Israeli Finance Minister -

Saudi Arabia condemns the statements of Israeli Finance Minister -