Thursday, April 13, 2023

Saudi Arabia and Syria to resume Consular services and Flights between 2 countries

Saudi Arabia and Syria to resume Consular services and Flights between 2 countries

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Syria confirmed procedures for resuming consular services and flights between the two countries. Follow Saudi Expatriates on Linkedin

This was stated in a joint news release following the visit of Dr. Faisal Al-Miqdad, the Syrian Arab Republic's Minister of Foreign Affairs, to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

- The statement said that in response to an invitation from Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and within the framework of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's keenness and interest in everything that would serve the issues of our Arab nation and promote the interests of its countries and peoples On Ramadan 21, 1444 AH, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Syrian Arab Republic, Dr. Faisal Al-Miqdad, paid a visit to the Kingdom. Most Viewed : Saudi Arabia and Iran resumes its relations and reopen embassies

- The two parties engaged in discussions about their attempts to find a political solution to the Syrian problem that preserves Syria's geographical integrity, Arab identity, security, and unity while also serving the interests of its brotherly people.

- The two sides agreed that it was crucial to find solutions to humanitarian issues, create an environment that would allow aid to reach all areas of Syria, establish the prerequisites for Syrian refugees and internally displaced people to return to their homes, put an end to their suffering, and allow them to do so in safety, as well as take additional actions that would help stabilize the situation all over Syrian territory.

- The need to support Syrian state institutions, to expand their control over its lands to end the presence of armed militias there, and to prevent outside interference in Syrian internal affairs were all stressed by the two sides. They also highlighted the importance of enhancing security, combating terrorism in all of its forms and organizations, and enhancing cooperation in the fight against drug smuggling and trafficking. Similar : Saudi Arabia and Qatar reopens their spaces air, land and sea for each other

- The two countries also addressed how to proceed in order to reach a comprehensive political solution to the Syrian issue that would put an end to all of its effects, promote national harmony, and let Syria return to its Arab surroundings and resume playing its proper role in the Arab world.

- The beginning of the processes for restarting consular services and flights between the two nations was warmly welcomed by all sides. Syria's appreciation for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's efforts to end the Syrian issue and its provision of humanitarian and relief help to people impacted by the earthquakes that devastated Syria was conveyed by the Syrian Arab Republic's Minister of Foreign Affairs. See Also : Saudi Arabia tops in the list of strongest Gulf Armies 

Saudi Arabia and Syria to resume Consular services and Flights -