Posted by : Aahil Shaik Friday, May 12, 2023

A condition for Job Transfer, Worker profession must be related to the Company activity

One of the requirement for job service transfers is that the worker's profession be relevant to the business's activity, according to the Qiwa platform under the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development (MHRSD) of Saudi Arabia. Follow Saudi Expatriates on Linkedin

When the company reached the maximum number of employee professions that are not related to the company's operation, the Qiwa platform also started to stop the transfer of some employee services to the company.

- The Qiwa platform asked some businesses to choose an employee with a different profession when they want to transfer the services of workers, whose job professions have nothing to do with the business's activities. Trending : Saudi Arabia now offers 3-months temporary work visa

- It is interesting to know that Qiwa platform had already begun rejecting requests for enterprises to modify their activities when the workers' professions did not match the new activity. According to the platform, employees changing professions must line up with the activity listed in the business registry.

- However, the company may alter its activity to the new activity, if the workers professions were compatible with it. If a request to switch from one activity to another that has a greater Saudization rate is approved, it will be granted.

- If a request to switch from one activity to another that has a lower Saudization rate is made, the Committee to Change Activities will be asked to conduct additional study.

- The platform began choosing Nitaqat for the activity with the highest percentage of Saudization among others for the multi-activity commercial registry. Most Viewed : A worker has a right to complain if his salary differs from the work contract

- In order to determine the proportion of localisation for the firm, the Qiwa platform linked the economic activities within the National Classification for the Economic Activities (ISIC4) after combining related activities with the percentage of Saudization inside one Nitaqat activity.

- For economic activity, there are five Nitaqat Saudization programs, Platinum, High Green, Medium Green, Low Green, and Red. Each activity has a different amount of localization, as some demand a lesser percentage of Saudization than others.

- The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development receives services and solutions from Qiwa, an online platform, to improve the electronic services offered to the Saudi labor market. See Also : Saudi Arabia launches 4 new Special Economic zones

A condition for Job Transfer, Worker profession must be related to the Company activity -

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