Posted by : Aahil Shaik Saturday, July 29, 2023

7 conditions for violator to be Exempt from Tasattur fines

A court may spare a person who commits the crime of concealment (tasattur) from the punishments specified in the Anti-Commercial Concealing Law, according to the National Anti-Commercial Concealment Program. Follow Saudi Expatriates on Google News

According to Article 2 of the exemption guidelines in the Anti-Concealment Law, there are 7 conditions to be exempt from tasattur fines. If all these requirements are completed, the court may relieve persons who committed the crime of concealment from legal consequences and other punishments.

1. As the offender is made aware of the crime, he must stop committing it. Trending : Penalties on expat employer for employing worker for personal benefit

2. Before the crime is found by the appropriate authorities, the perpetrator must inform the Ministry of Commerce about his commission of the crime or the name of any other perpetrators or participants in it.

3. Additionally, it is agreed that none of the offenders involved had ever been accused in a similar crime.

4. The perpetrator shall cooperate with the Ministry of Commerce and other relevant authorities, from the time of notification of the crime until the conclusion of the proceedings with the parties under investigation in the crime.

5. The offender must present information or evidence, in order to prove the crime. Most Viewed : Employment contract, employee rights as per Saudi Labor Law

6. Any information or evidence that is related to the crime must not be destroyed, falsified, or hidden by the offender.

7. The perpetrator's report will either allow access to other offenders, proceeds or stop them from having impact over them.

- The penalties of the Anti-Concealment Law includes, jail term for a maximum period of 5 years, fine of up to 5 million riyals, seizure and confiscation of illegal funds after court ruling issued against the involved.

- Additionally, the penalties includes closing the facility, liquidating the commercial activity, cancelling the commercial register, ban from practicing commercial activity, collecting zakat, fees and taxes, deportation of expat violator from Saudi Arabia and ban from return back to work in the Kingdom. See Also : Iqama issuance and renewal fee in Saudi Arabia

7 conditions for violator to be Exempt from Tasattur fines -

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