Posted by : Aahil Shaik Friday, July 28, 2023

Fine, Jail term issued against an Expat, who breached Practicing Engineering profession

An expat of Syrian nationality has been arrested in Saudi Arabia after using a false engineer title on his social media account without obtaining professional accreditation, according to the Saudi Council of Engineers. Most Viewed : Employers are now allowed to pay the work permit fee of their workers using mada and credit cards

He was jailed for 6 months and a penalty fine of 100,000 riyals imposed on him, in a judgement issued regarding violations of the practice Law of Engineering professions, as per the Saudi Council of Engineers.

- A legal ruling was issued against him by the Criminal Court for violating the terms of Article (11) of the Law for the practices of Engineering professions. This was reported by the official Twitter handle of Saudi Council of Engineers. Trending : Saudi Arabia has highest expat salaries in the world, says Survey

- The came after the arrest of a Syrian expatriate in the Riyadh region of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, through the supervision and inspection teams of the Saudi Council of Engineers.

Fine, Jail term issued against an Expat, who breached Practicing Engineering profession -

Fine, Jail term issued against an Expat, who breached Practicing Engineering profession -

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