Posted by : Aahil Shaik Thursday, July 27, 2023

Saudi Arabia has the highest Expat salaries worldwide, says Survey

For expats, Saudi Arabia has become a popular destination, as this Middle Eastern country offers the greatest salaries to expatriates, according to a recent study by consulting firm ECA International. Join Saudi Expatriates WhatsApp group

The highest average salary for middle managers worldwide, according to the MyExpatriate Market Pay Survey, is 83,763 pounds ($107,000) in Saudi Arabia. Despite a 3% decline from the last year, it was noted that the average pay is still the highest. Meanwhile, it was discovered that sending workers to the UK (United Kingdom) was the most expensive option available.

- In the global ranking of the MyExpatriate Market Pay Survey, Japan, India, and China occupied positions 2, 3, and 4, respectively. Trending : Saudi Arabia arrests 23 expats on visit visas

- Although they may not come in first place overall, expatriate salaries in the Middle East are frequently very generous as a means of encouraging individuals to go there. The highest salaries are being found in Saudi Arabia.

- However, the cost of benefits is less costly, and when paired with the absence of personal tax, the whole package costs are cheaper, according to a press release from Oliver Browne, Remuneration and Policy Surveys Manager at ECA International.

- "This is in contrast to the UK, where tax and benefits, rather than salary, make up the majority of the package cost," said the report. According to the poll, the income difference between UK and Japanese expats has grown. Most Viewed : Saudi Employers can now work permit fee of workers through credit card or mada card

- The typical package in the UK, which includes salary, tax, and benefits including housing, foreign schools, and utilities, is $441,608, however salary only accounts for 18% of the overall.

- Hong Kong rose three spots to take the fifth most costly spot in the world to send outside employees despite the decline in actual terms. While, Singapore was ranked sixteenth overall. Join Saudi Expatriates channel on Instagram

Saudi Arabia has the highest Expat salaries worldwide, says Survey -

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