Posted by : Aahil Shaik Thursday, August 24, 2023

11 worst habits that lead to Belly fat - Health Experts

Health professionals have identified 11 eating behaviors that they believe to be the worst and that should be avoided in order to prevent developing "rumen" or excess belly fat. Trending : Jabal Al-Qarah mountains

According to the specialized medical website Web Med, those 11 habits are,

1. The speed of consuming food, the fact that it takes the mind about 20 minutes for the stomach to signal fullness.

2. Lack of Sleep, studies have shown that people under the age of 40 years who sleep less than 5 hours per night gain more belly fat than those who get more hours of sleep the good.

3. Eating meals lately than dinner time, according to doctors, it is because the fewer hours the body gets to consume its caloric content. Most Viewed : How to Chat Lock in WhatsApp

4. Eating white bread, as the body digests it faster, it raises blood sugar and weight gain.

5. Drinking diet soda, the experts warned against aspartame, the artificial sweetener in many diet sodas increases belly fat.

6. Eating in Large plate, eating food on a small plate can trick the mind into thinking that the person is eating more.

7. Skipping meals especially breakfast, as it slows down metabolism, and increases the possibility of overeating at a later time, when the person is hungry. Read : GACA new rules to protect the rights of the Passengers

8. Eating high carbohydrate foods, as they raise the percentage of triglycerides in the body, increase insulin sensitivity and fat in the waist area.

9. Smoking, it affects the increase in belly fat.

10. Lack of Physical activity, it is one of the worst habits that lead to the appearance of belly fat. A person must target 30 minutes of moderate-intensity movement every day.

11. Tension and constant pressure, as stress leads the secretion of the hormone "cortisol", the rise of which leads to weight gain, especially the visceral fat that surrounds the organs of the digestive system in the abdomen. See Also : Penalty for making noises near schools or educational buildings

11 worst habits that lead to Belly fat - Health Experts -

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