Sunday, August 13, 2023

Basic Health Insurance policy covers the costs of Organ donation in Saudi Arabia

Basic Health Insurance policy covers the costs of Organ donation in Saudi Arabia

The Council of Health Insurance (CHI) in Saudi Arabia support for organ donation, pointing out that the costs associated with the donation process are covered by the basic health insurance policy. This would allow the donor to save many lives. Subscribe to Saudi Expatriates YouTube channel

The costs of the organ donation procedure for the insured donor are covered by the basic health insurance policy, up to a maximum of 50,000 Saudi riyals throughout the term of the policy, the Council of Health Insurance added.

- The Saudi CHI described the concept of organ donation as any part of a living or deceased person's body, including their tissues or organs, that can be used by transplanting them into the bodies of other people, with the exception of blood. Related : Each worker in Saudi Arabia can avail only one basic health insurance policy

- This comes from the Health Council in an infographic on the occasion of World Organ Donation Day, the Council said organ transplantation, also known as transferring or grafting, is a medical procedure in which a human organ, or a portion of one, is removed from the donor's body and placed in the donor's body using any methods deemed safe and legal by the donor's physician.

- According to the Saudi CHI, the organs that can be donated from the brain-dead people are the lung, cornea, heart, liver, kidneys, heart valves and pancreas, while from the living are one kidney and part of the liver and bone marrow. Similar : Employer must be notified of the Newborn within 30 days - Saudi CHI

Basic Health Insurance policy covers the costs of Organ donation in Saudi Arabia -

Basic Health Insurance policy covers the costs of Organ donation in Saudi Arabia -