Posted by : Aahil Shaik Friday, August 11, 2023

A person who is not Physically active is more Vulnerable to Diseases at the age of 40 years

According to Dr. Muhammad Al-Ahmadi, a professor of Physiology of physical exercise, "Due to a lack of exercise, the next generation's weakness will become visible when they are sixty years of age." Join Saudi Expatriates WhatsApp group

The most wonderful thing a person can give his body is the regular practice of exercise and movement, he added during a conversation with the "From Saudi Arabia" show on the "Saudi Arabia" channel.

- Al-Ahmadi said that, "a lack of exercise and physical activity causes the disease to accompany a person from the age of 40 years until it makes him incapable of performing normal daily business and tasks at the age of 60 years." Trending : Saudi Arabia mandates USB type-c charger for all smartphones by 2025

- He highlighted the importance of physical activity for the elderly since it helps them to become independent and self-reliant as they become old.

- Al-Ahmadi stressed the variety of physical workout types, some of which call for iron equipment found in the hallways or can be done at home, and the necessity of performing these exercises at least three days a week.

- Regular exercise offers several advantages for overall wellness and health and is essential to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Lack of exercise can result in weight gain, elevated blood pressure, and a higher risk of heart disease and stroke. Most Viewed : What is Wage Protection Program (WPP) in Saudi Arabia

- Regular exercise can lower the chance of developing diabetes and help control blood sugar levels. A lack of activity has a significant role in the development of obesity, which raises the risk of several diseases like heart disease, diabetes, joint difficulties, and some types of cancer.

- Lack of weight-bearing exercise, particularly in older persons, can cause bone loss and raise the risk of osteoporosis. Exercises that involve lifting weights assist preserve bone density and lower the risk of fractures.

- Moving around, balance, and general functional independence can all be impacted by muscle loss and a decline in muscle strength. Physical exercise has been found to improve mental health by lowering the risk of mental illnesses like depression, anxiety, and cognitive loss. Recommend : Imprisonment for a Saudi expat, who breached engineering profession 

- Regular physical activity has been linked to improved mood, more energy, better sleep, and a higher quality of life.

A person who is not Physically active is more Vulnerable to Diseases at the age of 40 years -

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