Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Crown Prince announces establishment of Global Water Organization

Saudi Crown Prince announces establishment of Global Water Organization

The Crown Prince and Prime Minister of Saudi Arabia, Prince Mohammed bin Salman, has announced the establishment of the Global Water Organization, which will have its headquarters in Riyadh. Trending video : 14 traffic violations on which the fine is between 3000 to 6000 riyals in Saudi Arabia

The aim of the Global Water Organization is to coordinate international efforts to address global water challenges through the sharing and fostering of technical knowledge, innovation, research, and development. Facilitating their financing and enabling the creation of high-quality priority projects in an effort to safeguard water resources and improve everyone's access to them.

- This initiative is a confirmation of the Kingdom's role in addressing water challenges around the world and it's dedication to environmental sustainability, and is based on what it has done over decades of leading global experience in producing, transporting, and distributing water and developing technical solutions to its challenges, as well as its efforts in placing water issues at the top of the international agenda, including delivering Funding more than 6 billion dollars to countries on 4 continents around the world for water and sanitation projects. Recommend : Saudi Arabia announces MARAFY - A man-made canal in Jeddah to redefine urban living

- Given its projection that the global demand for water will double by the year 2050, as a result of the world's population reaching (9.8 billion people, as per estimation). The Global Water Organization will work to achieve its goals with nations that face water challenges and give related projects a priority on their national agenda, in addition to countries that have knowledge and effective contributions to water solutions.

- Saudi Arabia, in collaboration with member nations, looks forward to making a positive effect via coordinated efforts to clear the path for a future where everyone has access to secure and sustainable water supplies. Most Viewed : Penalty for allowing an expat to engage in economic activity for their own account

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