Monday, September 25, 2023

Saudi Arabia condemns the provocations of extremists at Al-Aqsa and The Hague

Saudi Arabia denounces the provocations of extremists at Al-Aqsa Mosque and the tearing of copies of the Holy Qur'an at The Hague.

The repeated provocative actions by a number of extremists at Al-Aqsa Mosque with protection from Israeli occupation forces were condemned by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on behalf of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Trending : Watch some of the beautiful views of Saudi National Day celebration

The Ministry underlined the Kingdom's concern over the actions taken by the Israeli occupation authorities, which weaken efforts to bring about world peace and go against international standards and norms for the protection of religious sanctuaries.

- The Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed the Kingdom's a lifelong commitment to supporting the amiable Palestinian people and all initiatives aimed at ending the occupation and finding a fair and comprehensive solution to the Palestinian problem that would allow the Palestinian people to create an independent Palestinian state within the boundaries of 1967 with East Jerusalem as its capital. Most Viewed : Saudi Arabia has spent $2.25 billion to host Rohingya refugees

Saudi Arabia, GCC and Arab Parliament also condemned the Extremists tearing up the copy of Holy Quran in The Hague :

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia also strongly condemned and denounced the extremist group that tore up copies of the Holy Quran in front of a number of embassies in The Hague, announced the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

- The Ministry of Foreign Affairs reaffirmed the Kingdom's total rejection of such heinous actions, which are repeated and cannot be justified in any way. They openly promote hatred, exclusion, and racism, directly oppose global initiatives to promote the ideals of toleration, moderation, and rejection of extremism, and undercut the requirement for mutual respect in relationships between peoples and nations.

- Jassim Mohammed Al-Budaiwi, the secretary-general of the Gulf Cooperation Council, denounced the radicals for tearing up the Holy Qur'an in The Hague in front of several embassies, saying that this would incite and offend Muslims all over the world. Read : 13 regulations related to Saudi National flag

- As these practices have regrettably been repeated recently under the cover of free speech, without any clear response to these practices and the rejection of hatred and extremism, the Secretary-General emphasized the call for the international community to take immediate and effective international action to confront these aggressive and provocative actions.

- He underlined the necessity for the nations where such crimes take place to step in and swiftly acknowledge their moral and legal obligations to put an end to these globally abhorrent behaviors.

- The Arab Parliament condemned the extremist group that destroyed copies of the Holy Qur'an in front of a number of embassies in The Hague, reiterating its utter condemnation of these careless acts that jeopardize global peace and security and foment hatred and violence. See Also : Palestine issue is important to normalize ties with Israel - Saudi Arabia

- The Arab Parliament emphasized that upholding these immoral practices directly contributes to the tense situation and undercuts mutual respect in relations between peoples and nations in a statement today calling for the need to pass international laws and legislation that would protect and respect religious symbols and reject extremism and violence.

Saudi Arabia condemns the provocations of extremists at Al-Aqsa and The Hague -