Monday, October 30, 2023

Saudi Arabia unveils the plan of National Health Insurance funded by Government

Saudi Arabia unveils the plan of National Health Insurance funded by Government

On Sunday, Saudi Arabia's Health Minister Fahad Al-Jalajel announced the country's plans to give all the citizens of the Kingdom full insurance coverage paid for by the government by the Year 2026. Most Viewed : List of countries eligible for Saudi Visitor e-Visa

The Minister talked about the most important parts of the National Insurance program, focusing on what makes it special. The National Health Insurance is paid by the government and does not need to be renewed every year means that people are covered for their lifetime.

- Particularly, the National Insurance won't have a set limit of coverage, and it won't need to get prior approvals. This will make the process easier for the Saudi citizens.

- The minister in his speech addressing the world at the Health Forum in Riyadh said that private health insurance is expected to increase five times in the next few years. Recommend : Fish is an excellent source of Protein and Omega-3 fatty acids

This rise is likely to be caused by things like more people moving to the Kingdom, including people with premium residency status, and tourists.

- Al-Jalajel says that the changes being made to the health sector are meant to help more people while giving the business sector more space and power.

- The private sector's role in health care is expected to rise from 20% to 50%, according to him.

- The minister also talked about good investment potential in the health sector, which are expected to bring in a total of 330 billion riyals by the year 2030. Read : Absence of a Mosque in petrol stations in Saudi Arabia could fine 2500 riyals

All health clusters will move from the Health Ministry to the Health Holding Company starting in the year 2024. This will mean a big change in the sector.

- The Health Minister said, "We are in the perfect place to invest in health." He urged everyone involved to take advantage of the good chances in the health sector.

- He said that the health sector's share of the GDP would increase a lot, hitting 318 billion riyals in the year 2030, with the private sector's share reaching 145 billion Saudi Riyals.

- Al-Jalajel highlighted how important it is for the next stages of healthcare growth to work together with and include the private sector. See Also : Visit visas can be extended online, one week before its expiry

He said that the average number of people who can get health services in the regions has gone up to about 94%.

- In addition to talking about improvements in health care, the minister also talked about road safety. He said that the number of road accidents has gone down greatly, from 28 people per 100,000 people in 2016 to 14 people per 100,000 people today.

- Besides that, he talked about how the number of early deaths from chronic diseases has gone down from 600 per 100,000 people to almost 500.

The Minister at the Forum also announced that the Saudi Center for Proton Therapy would open. It will be the first center of its kind in the region. Subscribe to Saudi Expatriates channel on YouTube

The first patient will likely come to this center at King Fahad Medical City in the second cluster by the end of the year 2023. Its goals are to provide improved care and bring a lot more medical tourists to Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia unveils the plan of National Health Insurance funded by Government -