Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Tourists Health Insurance policy covers these all Health services in Emergency cases

Tourists Health Insurance policy in Saudi Arabia covers these all Health services in Emergency cases

The Council of Health Insurance (CHI) in Saudi Arabia confirmed the health insurance policy for tourists guarantees access to health services in emergency cases in the Kingdom. See Also : Umrah health insurance policy covers these all cases

What are the Reimbursable Expenses in Tourist Health Insurance policy?

- "Reimbursable expenses are the actual expenses spent for non-exempt services, materials, and equipment, provided that they are paid by a licensed physician due to an illness suffered by the insured, provided that these expenses are necessary, reasonable, and usual at the time and place in which they are incurred", according to the official X handle of Council of Health Insurance. Recommend : Fixing a salary is not available in Saudi Labor Law

The Council of Health Insurance stated that the following Emergency Cases are the only ones for which expenses can be reimbursed.

* All hospitalization expenses.

* All expenses for medical tests, diagnosis, treatment and medications, as per the policy schedule.

* Cases of Premature babies are covered as part of the mother's coverage and subject to the mother's maximum benefit.

* Dental and Gum diseases : Dental treatment is limited to emergency cases, including fillings, downstream treatment, abscess extraction and whatever it requires to completing this treatment in standard medical procedures, as well as antibiotics and painkillers. Read : A doctor sentenced to 5 years in prison, for harassing a Filipino nurse

* Medical evacuation inside and outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

* Pregnancy and Child birth cases.

* Injuries resulting from traffic accidents.

* Emergency dialysis cases.

* Costs of preparing and transporting the deceased visitor's body back to his place of origin. Most Viewed : Visitors of Saudi Arabia can use their international or foreign driving license for one year

Tourists Health Insurance policy covers these all Health services in Emergency cases - Saudi-Expatriates.com

Tourists Health Insurance policy covers these all Health services in Emergency cases - Saudi-Expatriates.com