Posted by : Aahil Shaik Sunday, November 26, 2023

TGA approves Public Transport user Rights and obligations regulations

The Transport General Authority (TGA) Board of Directors approved the regulation's specific mechanism for how to let people know their rights and responsibilities when using public transportation. They also approved the table that shows the different types of violations and the fines that will be given for each one. Most Viewed : 8 important points of Employment contract in Saudi Arabia

The TGA is in charge of all railway, marine and land transportation in the Kingdom. The law is divided into four parts that cover all of the rights and duties of people who use public transportation in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The goal is to make people more aware of these rights and duties.

- A new regulation in Saudi Arabia says that people using public transportation must give up their places to families with children. The Saudi Official Gazette released a new rule that spells out in detail the rights and duties of people who use public transportation, such as buses, trains, metros, and ships.

- The carrier is required to give customers several choices when there are long delays or trip cancellations. People can continue their trip, change with different routes at no extra cost, or get a full ticket refund and go back to where they started. See Also : Saudi traffic accident fatalities reduce 40% in a decade

- However, the carrier is not responsible and only has to pay a minimum amount of money if there are delays getting to the end destination that are out of their control. It includes times when bad weather makes operations less safe or when unusual events or "force majeure" stop normal services, even though all reasonable steps have been taken.

- If a passenger's trip is canceled, they can choose between getting a full refund for the unused portion of their ticket and being paid 25% of the ticket value for the canceled trip, or they can look into other travel options up to three hours before the original departure time. This new flight must be in the same class as their original plan, and they will be given 25% of the value of their cancelled flight as compensation.

- The detailed regulations has 76 articles and 6 tables that list breaches and punishments to make sure strict compliance. One important part is that customers have a number of rights when there are cancellations or delays that last more than 120 minutes. Read : Passenger Rights laws take effect in Saudi Arabia

- The first part of the regulation had 16 articles that were just descriptions and rules that applied to all the different types of transportation that were covered. The second part of the regulation had 22 articles that were rules for land transport. These articles explain the rights and responsibilities of people who use public transportation buses within and between towns. They also help and allow people with disabilities and limited mobility to use buses.

- In the third part, there are rules for train transportation. There are 24 regulatory items in the provisions that spell out the rights and duties of rail users within and between cities. The provisions also help and allow disabled people to use trains. Section 4 has rules for maritime transport. These rules are broken down into 14 regulatory articles that explain the rights and duties of people who use maritime transport and make it easier for people with disabilities and limited mobility to use the service that maritime transport offers.

- The rule includes tables that show different types of violations and punishments for people who use public transportation. These include violations and punishments for general passenger duties, bus and train duties within and between cities, and maritime transport duties. Like and Follow us on Facebook

TGA approves Public Transport user Rights and obligations regulations -

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