Posted by : Aahil Shaik Sunday, November 12, 2023

Within 1 week, Saudi Arabia arrests 17,305 violators

The Ministry of Interior in Saudi Arabia reported on Saturday that 17,305 people were detained in one week for violating regulations regarding residency, work, and border security. See Also : Penalty for Employers who allows their workers to work for others

The Ministry said that campaigns to keep an eye on people who breached rules regarding residency, work, and border security, which happened all over the Kingdom from 2nd to 8th November 2023, resulted in the following.

- The report shows that a total of 10,804 people were arrested for breaking residency rules, 3,890 were held for trying to cross the border illegally, and 2,611 were arrested for labor violations.

- The report revealed that of the 626 people who were caught trying to get into the Kingdom illegally, of whom, 57% were from Yemen, 40% were from Ethiopia, and 3% were from other countries. Trending : Saudi Crown Prince opening speech at Arab-Islamic Summit in Riyadh

- Nine people were arrested for helping to transport and accommodate people who had violated the law. Another 24 people were caught while trying to cross into nearby countries.

- So far, 44,012 criminals have been sent to their diplomatic missions to get travel papers. Another 1,883 were sent to finish their travel plans, and 7,845 were sent back to their home countries.

- The Saudi Ministry of Interior said that anyone caught helping people enter the Kingdom illegally by giving them rides or a place to stay could go to jail for up to 15 years, pay a fine of up to SR1 million, or risk having their property and cars seizure.

- In Makkah and Riyadh, you can call the toll-free number 911 to report a possible violation. In other parts of the Kingdom, you can call 999 or 996. Most Viewed : Saudi Arabia announces fine and imprisonment for an expat who fabricated an engineering certificate

Within 1 week, Saudi Arabia arrests 17,305 violators -

Within 1 week, Saudi Arabia arrests 17,305 violators -

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