Posted by : Aahil Shaik Monday, January 1, 2024

Filipinos Workforce in Saudi Arabia doubled in the Year 2023, compared to the Year 2022

The number of Filipinos working in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has more than doubled during the Year 2023 compared to the Year 2022, as per a online news source in the country. Most Viewed : Non-Saudi vehicles must be drive by their citizens or residents in Saudi Arabia

The Philippines Department of Migrant Workers (DMW) has found that 380,000 Filipinos are working in Saudi Arabia, up from 143,000 in the Year 2022, as per the Sabq news.

- According to DMW, the governing branch of the Philippine government, that is in charge of protecting the rights of Filipino workers abroad, there are about 1.8 million Filipino workers in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), which is made up of six countries (Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, UAE and Oman).

- Freshly released Saudi statistics show that there are 725,000 Filipinos living in Saudi Arabia. Recently, the ties between Saudi Arabia and the Philippines have grown.

- Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman of Saudi Arabia met President Ferdinand Romualdez Marcos Jr. of the Philippines in Riyadh in October 2022 . They met outside of a GCC-ASEAN meeting. Recommend : Mudad platform in Saudi Arabia to stop services to Employers who delays salaries for their workers

Job Openings for Filipinos in Saudi Arabia :

Officials from both Saudi Arabia and the Philippines signed a memorandum of understanding at the same time. The goal was to bring "professional" workers from the Philippines to the kingdom to fill job openings through partnerships with specialized international firms.

- At a meeting in Riyadh between the Human Resources departments of the two countries, the deal was finalized.

- In November 2022, Saudi Arabia said it would start hiring Filipino domestic workers again after a break of several months. This hiring was stopped in Saudi Arabia at the end of the year 2021. Read : Saudi Arabia and Filipinos sign a memorandum to hire more Filipinos

- At the time, the Philippine Embassy was reported as saying that the suspension was because of new rules from the Philippine Ministry of Labor about how Filipino house workers can work with foreign employers.

- Recently, Saudi labor officials have tried to control the job market in their own country. To do this, the Saudi Ministry of Human Resources started the Musaned domestic labor program to help people learn about their rights and responsibilities. The program also offers services like getting visas, posting job openings, and negotiating contracts between employers and workers.

- The ministry has said that contracts must be made through the Musaned, which is the legal platform for hiring people. Join Saudi Expatriates channel on WhatsApp

Filipinos Workforce in Saudi Arabia doubled in the Year 2023 -

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