Thursday, January 11, 2024

Saudi Arabia records 58% increase in Umrah pilgrims in 2023

Saudi Arabia records 58% increase in Umrah pilgrims in the Year 2023

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia welcomed a record 13.55 million Umrah pilgrims in the year 2023. This is a huge rise of 58 percent, or five million more pilgrims than in the year 2019, according to Dr. Tawfiq Al Rabiah, Saudi Arabia's Minister of Hajj and Umrah. Trending : Saudi Premium Residency holders can enter and exit Saudi Arabia without visa

Dr. Al Rabiah addressed about the rise in religious travel at the 3rd annual Hajj and Umrah Services Conference and Exhibition at the Jeddah Superdome. This was made possible by King Salman's support. More than 80 ministers and leaders from different countries have come to the four-day event.

- "8.55 million people from outside the Kingdom set the previous record in the year 2019. Last year (2023), the impressively high number rose to 13.55 million, making it the most foreign Umrah travelers ever, added Dr. Al Rabiah. He said that the success was due to the Saudi government's hard work in improving services and residences.

- This year's meeting, which is an important international event, Hajj agreements will be signed with many of the countries that are going. Dr. Al Rabiah also said that there were a lot more service providers this year than last. There are now more than 35 companies providing Hajj services, up from 20 last year. Most Viewed : Hajj 2024 registrations opened for International pilgrims

- The minister highlighted that the kingdom had spent more than 5 billion riyals to improve infrastructure at holy places. He said that last year, more than 40,000 people were trained to work in the Hajj and Umrah systems. This year, the goal is to train even more people, over 120,000.

- Along with infrastructure and giving training, Dr. Al Rabiah shared about how Saudi Arabia is working to make visitors more aware and set up an awareness center with the help of the General Authority of Endowments.

- People who live outside of Gulf countries can now get electronic visas for Umrah, which is a big change that was brought up. Dr. Al Rabiah also announced that there would be 32% more direct flights to the kingdom, going from 164 to 216 destinations. He also said that work would be done to improve historical spots to make the pilgrims experience better. See Also : "Passenger with No Bag" service is set to introduce at Saudi Airports

Saudi Arabia records 58% increase in Umrah pilgrims in 2023 -