Posted by : Aahil Shaik Thursday, February 1, 2024

Average lifespan of Public in Saudi Arabia climbs to 77.6 years

The average life expectancy in Saudi Arabia has gone up from 74 years in the year 2016 to 77.6 years now. This is due to many efforts and contributions, such as making health promotion a part of all programs and aspects of life. Join Saudi Expatriates WhatsApp channel

This information came from a report given out by the Health Sector Transformation Program, which is one of the Saudi Vision 2030 programs. The report was about the health transformation process and the most significant achievements in the health sector in the year 2023.

- The report said that Saudi Arabia's efforts to improve public health, such as encouraging people to walk more, lowering the amount of salt in foods, making calorie counts open to everyone, and other policies, as well as efforts to improve health services and make it easier to avoid health risks, are responsible for the rise in life expectancy.

- The National Institute for Health Research was approved by the Council of Ministers in the year 2023, and a number of stages and projects were completed. These included the first transformational stage, which saw all health clusters start doing their job as guardians of the population's health, the launch of the National Platform for Health and Insurance Exchange Services (NPHIES), and other projects. Most Viewed : Saudi Arabia lifts 3 years ban for expats who failed to return Saudi Arabia on re-entry visa

- Based on the Value-Based Healthcare model, the NPHIES platform provides a single source of complete, correct, and safe data that helps people and society as a whole.

- The report also showed that the Shifa platform helped more than 7,233 cases in the year 2023, which is almost 3% more than the previous year. The Saudi Center for Medical Appointments and Referrals also completed more than 300,000 successful internal and external referrals.

- In line with the idea that "prevention is better than treatment" and early detection, it is said that more than 5 million people have been through exploratory obesity screening, with over a million cases of early detection. See Also : Self employment in delivery sector is banned for expats in Saudi Arabia

- Over a million people did testing screenings for diabetes, which led to about 11,000 early detection cases. About 160,000 women got early screenings for breast cancer, which led to 654 early detection cases. This discovery helps with the care of cases that are found in early stage.

Average lifespan of Public in Saudi Arabia climbs to -

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