Monday, February 19, 2024

Domestic Hajj pilgrims to be compensated in case of Accommodation violations

Domestic Hajj pilgrims to be compensated in case of Accommodation violations

Domestic pilgrims of Saudi Arabia can seek compensation from Hajj service providers, if they are unable to provide adequate lodging in Makkah and the Holy Sites during the upcoming Hajj in 2024, according to the Ministry of Hajj and Umrah. Related : Hajj 2024 registrations for domestic pilgrims are now open

The Ministry of Hajj and Umrah also specified that, if a pilgrim is delayed in getting accommodation for more than two hours after his arrival at the allotted accommodation in Makkah or the Holy Sites, they would be rewarded with 10% of their package worth. If this happens, the pilgrim can go to the proper authorities and lodge a formal complaint.

- If the relevant authorities commit the same kind of violation twice, the amount of compensation will be raised to 15% of the package's worth. Housing will be supplied under the supervision of the ministry in collaboration with the Council for Domestic Pilgrims Facilities in the case of service failure. The expense of this will be borne by the relevant Hajj services provider.

- If an accommodation is provided that does not comply with the terms of the contract, the service provider is required to fix it within two hours. Otherwise, the pilgrim will be compensated for the delay in service, up to five percent of the package value. Most Viewed : New penalties for Surveillance camera violations

- Delays in tent services at the Makkah Holy Sites are also covered by the compensation. The amount of the package will be used to pay every pilgrim who complained about having to wait more than two hours. A sum equal to 2% of the package's worth, but no less than 300 riyals, will be paid to the pilgrim if he is not given housing upon his arrival at the tent facility.

- In case the service provider is unable to offer lodging, the pilgrim will be housed under the ministry's supervision, in accordance with the Coordinating Council for Domestic Pilgrims Facilities, and the expense of this housing will be covered by the Hajj service provider.

- It is possible for the pilgrim to file a formal complaint with the appropriate authorities if the lodgings he receives do not comply with the provisions of the agreement. Recommend : Saudi Arabia is first in world in terms of Tourism growth

- The pilgrim will receive repayment equal to 10% of the package's worth, which is at least 1,500 Saudi Riyals, in the event that the complaint is found to be valid. The government stressed that these violations should be addressed within two hours at the latest.

Domestic Hajj pilgrims to be compensated in case of Accommodation violations -