Monday, February 5, 2024

Number of workers in the Private sector reached a record High in January 2024

Number of workers in the Private sector in Saudi Arabia reached a record High in January 2024

The National Labor Observatory (NLO) in Saudi Arabia published a thorough report with numbers about the workers and employees working in the private sector job market in Saudi Arabia for the month of January 2024. Like and Follow us on Facebook

This is in order to take a look at the total number of people working in the private sector until the end of January 2024, as well as the numbers of Saudi citizens and resident expats working in the private sector, both men and women, as well as the net growth in jobs for citizens and the number of people who started working in the private sector for the first time in January.

- According to the report, the total number of workers in the private sector hit an all-time high of about 11.054 million in January.

- This is because of many growth factors that helped set this record, including the efforts of the Human Resources and Social Development system, more jobs being created, and the private sector doing well, as well as economic changes and help from the government.

- The report states that there were 2.327 million Saudi citizens working in the private sector in January. Of these, 1.375 million were men and 952.4 thousand were women. Trending : Saudi made Lucid Electric Vehicle for Security in Saudi Arabia is with done and AI

- On the other hand, there were 8.72 million resident expats working in the private sector, with 8.386 million men living in the Kingdom, while only 339,79 thousand women living.

- Along with 32,447 new jobs in the private sector for citizens in January, the report looks at the net rise in jobs for citizens.

It is important to note that the National Labor Observatory puts out a lot of reports and publications, such as the monthly "Overview of the Saudi Labor Market in the Private Sector" publication, which looks at indicators and data on a regular basis.

The National Labor Observatory is a national observatory that was set up by royal decree in 2010 so that it can look back at the most important numbers and data from the past month. To be the major and most reliable source of information about the job market. Most Viewed : Filipino workforce in Saudi Arabia by the end of 2023

Number of workers in the Private sector reached a record High in January 2024 -