Sunday, March 3, 2024

Kuwait bans Unauthorized gatherings, calls for Law compliance

Kuwait bans Unauthorized gatherings, calls for Law compliance

Under the command of Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Defense, and Acting Minister of Interior Sheikh Fahd Al-Yousef Al-Sabah, the Kuwaiti Ministry of Interior has reaffirmed the prohibition of unlawful public gatherings and marches in support of Gaza, marking a major step toward preserving public order. Join Saudi Expatriates on Instagram channel

The government's dedication to law enforcement and citizen safety is emphasized by this announcement.

- In accordance with the instructions, the General Administration of Security Relations and Media has published a statement cautioning against the planning of any protests or rallies without the necessary permits.

- In its statement, the Kuwait government stresses the need of following the rules in order to stay out of legal hot water.

Ensuring Public Safety and the Legal Framework :

A reminder of the legislative rules for arranging public events is provided in the notification of the Ministry. It stresses that it is an illegal act to try to hold rallies or marches without the required licenses. Read : Saudi Arabia bans Iftar fundraising for Ramadan at Mosques

- As a reflection of the government's position on preserving public order and security, those who engage in such activities face legal consequences.

Unauthorized posts on Social Media :

The Kuwait's Interior Ministry also banned publishing any unauthorized calls for gatherings on social media platforms.

- Furthermore, the Ministry has firmly condemned the spread of ads on social media sites that call for unlicensed assemblies or protests. Everyone is urged to respect and comply with the laws and regulations, since it has been clear that no permits have been obtained for the activities announced on social media. This shows that the Ministry is keeping a close eye on social media in order to stop the spread of unapproved event promotions. See Also : Saudi Arabia announces 6 months residency for Umrah pilgrims of Palestine

Urge Compliance :

A strong message about the significance of following legal processes while organizing any sort of gathering or march has been sent to the public through the Ministry of Interior's appeal for compliance. Individuals can help keep the neighborhood safe and secure by following the rules and preventing disturbances to the public order.

This shows that the government of Kuwait is taking governance and law enforcement very seriously. It is in keeping with the larger efforts to protect the public interest and keep the country stable. It will be essential for everyone involved to work closely with the authorities as this issue develops, showing that we are all committed to following the law and protecting the neighborhood.

Also, Al-Sabah announced a study of plans that will be taken soon to combat and prosecute fake accounts on social media that spread fake news threatening the country’s security.  See Also : Saudi Arabia plans for 7.5 million Indian visitors by 2030

Kuwait bans Unauthorized gatherings, calls for Law compliance -