Posted by : Aahil Shaik Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Public Security prohibits unlicensed vehicles from entering Holy Sites

The General Traffic Department, on behalf of Saudi Public Security, has declared that, from Tuesday, Dhul Hijjah 5, which is June 11, unlicensed cars would no longer be allowed entry to the Holy Sites. According to the Saudi Press Agency, the prohibition will remain in effect until Dhul Hijjah 13, which is June 19. See Also : Work in direct sunlight banned in Saudi Arabia from this date

Transporting pilgrims without a Hajj permit is punishable by penalties, including a fine of up to 50,000 riyals and a jail sentence of up to six months, according to the Hajj Security Forces Command for Traffic Affairs.

- If the transporter or any of his associates or shareholders owns the vehicle used for transportation, a court judgment could seize it as part of the penalty for the transporter. After the transporter serves his sentence and pays his fine, he will be deported if he is an expatriate. The period of time he is banned from reentering the Kingdom is determined by the laws.

- Cases involving the unlawful transfer of pilgrims are transferred from the field control authorities to the seasonal committees stationed at the entrance points to Makkah. The committee will review the cases, make administrative decisions, and impose penalties after considering the violations. If more than one pilgrim is transported without a permit, the penalty would be doubled. Most Viewed : Penalties in delaying the report of overstay visit visa holders

- Anyone seen entering Makkah without the proper paperwork will be fined 10,000 riyals by the Traffic Department. Anyone found without a valid Hajj permit within the following areas will be subject to penalties, the holy city of Makkah, the Central Haram Area, the Holy Sites of Mina, Arafat, and Muzdalifah, the Haramain train station in Rusayfah, security control centers, permanent security control centers, and Hajj grouping centers. Those who disobey the rules and directives given by the government in this area will face consequences.

- Anyone found within the designated region without a Hajj permit, including Saudi nationals, expats, and tourists, will be fined 10,000 riyals. The law specifies periods during which violators, who are expatriates, will be banned from reentering the Kingdom and deported back to their home countries.

In order to ensure the protection, security, convenience, and comfort of Pilgrims throughout their Hajj ceremonies, the Public Security highlighted the significance of following the rules and directions. Like and Follow Saudi Expatriates page on Facebook

Public Security prohibits unlicensed vehicles from entering Holy Sites -
Public Security prohibits unlicensed vehicles from entering Holy Sites

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