Sunday, July 21, 2024

Implementation of 25% Saudization of Engineering Professions in Saudi Arabia

Implementation of 25% Saudization of Engineering Professions in Saudi Arabia

Today, Sunday marks the start of the implementation of the decision to localize engineering professions by 25% in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The Saudization rates will be applied to private sector businesses that employ 5 or more engineering professionals. Trending : Al-Khobar is named as a Healthy city by World Health Organization

The decision was issued by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development in collaboration with the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs and Housing. This is a step in the right direction, as the relevant ministries are trying to improve the employment situation for Saudi nationals in all parts of the country.

- The move is part of a larger attempt to improve the economic situation for Saudi nationals across the country by creating more interesting and fulfilling work possibilities for both men and women.

- The decision's numerous benefits include increasing Saudis' engagement in the labor market, providing private sector businesses with incentives and programs to help them hire Saudis, facilitating their recruitment and selection processes, ensuring they have the skills they need, helping them stay in their jobs and advance in their careers, and giving them priority access to all nationalization support programs and employment programs through the Human Resources Development Fund (HADAF). Most Viewed : Saudi Arabia bans tattoos, tanning at barbershops

- The decision to expand participation in the job market will be monitored and implemented by the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs and Housing. In order to meet the demands of the job market and the trend toward engineering specialization, the ministry will be in charge of ensuring its execution.

- The Saudization process, professions, and required percentages are all laid out in a procedural guide published online by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development. In order to prevent legal consequences for non-compliance, the ministry stressed the significance of establishments following and applying these rules. Read : New retirement age in KSA

Implementation of 25% Saudization of Engineering Professions in Saudi Arabia -
Implementation of 25% Saudization of Engineering Professions in Saudi Arabia