Posted by : Aahil Shaik Friday, August 30, 2024

CST released Communication Coverage details of STC, Mobily and Zain on Saudi Roads

The Road Index Report 2024 was produced by the Communications, Space and Technology Commission (CST) and the Ministry of Transport and Logistics Services (MOT) covers important metrics for telecommunications services on main and minor highways in Saudi Arabia. Trending : Steps to terminate your Work contract in KSA via Qiwa platform

The purpose of the report is to give stakeholders a better understanding of how the country's telecom networks are doing and to guarantee that users receive the best possible service.

Internet coverage, call success rates, acceptable speeds, and telecommunications services are all highlighted in the report. On the main roads, marked as "11," and on the secondary road, marked as "222," there is a quality index for video streaming sites.

One striking finding from the survey is that communication service coverage on both main and secondary roads in Saudi Arabia is an impressive 99%. A 99% coverage rate was attained by the three leading providers, Mobily, Zain, and Saudi Telecom Company (STC). Most Viewed : How to check Mobily balance on your phone

Both major and secondary routes had broadband internet coverage of 99%. STC had the highest coverage among the providers on main roads at 98%. Mobily followed at 94% and Zain at 82%. On minor routes, STC once again had the best coverage with 98%, followed closely by Mobily with 97%, and Zain with 82%.

On major roadways, STC had the best call success rate at 96%, beating out Mobily at 95% and Zain at 90%. With a call success rate of 95% on secondary highways, STC and Mobily were tied for top position, while Zain recorded 88%.

On major roadways, STC had the highest acceptable internet speed at 89%, followed by Mobily at 68%, and Zain at 40%. Mobily topped secondary highways with 74%, just ahead of STC at 73%, while Zain came in third with 39%. Recommend : How to check your STC balance on your phone

According to the report's evaluation of live video streaming platforms, STC has 76% of the market share on major roadways. Both STC and Mobily tied for first place on minor highways with 77% of the vote.

CST released Communication Coverage details of STC, Mobily and Zain on Saudi Roads -
CST released Communication Coverage details of STC, Mobily and Zain on Saudi Roads

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