Posted by : Aahil Shaik Friday, August 9, 2024

How To Remove Window Tinting - Complete Step by Step Guide

Car window tinting is a method to protect your car from harmful rays and make you feel comfortable. It also gives you privacy inside the cabin. Car tints don’t last forever, it may expire after some years of installation or sometimes it expires in a few months. When its life is expiring, it may damage your window screens and cannot protect you from harmful rays and it may affect your privacy. Removing tinting is very easy as compared to setting up tints and it does not take much time and money. Instead , you can remove it by yourself. In our blog we will give a complete guided tour on “how to remove window tinting”.

What is Window Tint?

Window tint or windshield tinting is a process in which you wrap your car’s all transparent screens with a coated film. This film provides you privacy inside the cabin as well as it blocks the harmful UV rays that may affect you or your car. It does not affect your visibility or electronic signals. Those who want to keep their lives private, are advised to use window tinting on their cars/vehicles.

Why Removing Window Tints is Required?

There are several reasons to remove window screen tints, some of them are as given below:

● Visibility
● Maintenance
● Legality
● Damaged Window
● Tints Expired
● New Installation of Tints

Visibility :
With the passage of time, tinted films get old and may appear some bubbles that may affect your visibility to the road while driving a car, especially at night. For the safety purpose you should remove the old tints for making the visibility clear.

Maintenance : 
As, everything needs maintenance for their long life and better performance. Same as other things, regular car maintenance is very important to make the tints look good and stay effective. If you don’t do this, it can be more challenging for you to remove the tins in future.

Legality : 
Legibility is the main issue for tinted windows. Laws may vary from region to region or place to place. In many regions and places it's fully illegal to have tinted windows whereas in some regions it's legal but based on some reasons like you can only have 50% or 70% tinted films on your screens. To obey the rules you may have to remove or change the tint films according to the place and region. Otherwise you may face the consequences if you don’t follow the rules.

Damaged Window :
By any chance if your window glass is damaged, and you want to repair that. For this you must have to remove the tinted films from the screen and you may set up a new one after the window is repaired.

How To Remove Window Tinting - Complete Step by Step Guide

Tints Expired :
Tinted films have a limited life of working properly. After the expiry, it may affect your vision and your windows too. If you don’t remove them on time, it will be very challenging for you to remove it later. To avoid these issues, you have to change the tints on time.

New Installation of Tints :
If you want to change the tint percentage or want to change the color of your tints, you have to set up new tint films. Installation of a new tint on a previous one is not an appropriate way. So, you have to remove the old one first before installing the new one to make the surface clean and smooth.

Safety Gears :
Here is the list of some safety gears you should use while removing the tints from windows glass:

● Proper Suite
● Safety Gloves
● Glasses
● mask

Proper suite :
While removing tints, there are several tools and chemicals that are used and can harm your body. To avoid these incidents, you have to wear a proper suit with a long-sleeved shirt.

Safety Gloves :
There are many types of gloves available in the market. You should select the gloves according to your desire and situation. These gloves are necessary to avoid the direct touch of chemicals and other tools that can harm your skin.

Glasses :
While removing the tint there may be some small pieces of tint film that can damage your eyes. To protect from them you should wear safety glasses.

Mask :
While removing you may use some chemicals or liquids that are very harmful for your body while inhaling. For the protection of the body you should wear a mask.

Required Tools for Removing Window Tints

List of some specific tools that are required for removing of window tint are as follow:

● Heat Gun
● Garbage Bag
● Razor Blades
● Ammonia or Soapy Water
● Microfiber Cloth
● Spray Bottle
● Glue Removing Solvent
● Thin Card (like and ATM card)

Steps Involved in Removing Window Tints

Here is the complete step-by-step guide for how to remove tints from the car’s window glass is given below:

1. Heating the Tint Using Heat Gun

○ Get your heat gun ready and set the temperature according to the situation that is not harmful for the car’s glass.

○ Start applying heat slowly from one corner of the tinted glass to another. Move the tool (heating gun) forth and back and avoid applying all the heat on a single place, it may damage your glass.

○ Monitor the whole process and when the tint is heated and start losing his adhesiveness, stop applying more heat. This may take a few minutes for this, you have to wait until it's heated.

How To Remove Window Tinting - Complete Step by Step Guide

2. Peeling the Tint

○ Start peeling the tint from the corner slowly with the help of a thin card or blade. But first ensure that the blade is sharp enough.

○ Gently pull the tint away If it’s getting hard to peel off, heat that area again and try to peel off.

○ Do it ideally and try to take it off in a single large strip and keep applying heating with the interval of time to make the adhesive soft.

3. Without Heat gun

○ If you don’t have a heat gun, another option is to use a steamer or you can boil water to make the adhesiveness of the tint soft.

○ Slowly pour the boiled water on the whole glass equally and then start peeling the tint off.

4. Removing Adhesiveness

○ After removing the tint, there will be some adhesiveness left on the window. You can use ammonia with the help of a spray bottle on the sticky part.

○ If you are using ammonia, you should use it in a controlled environment and don’t forget to use your safety gears to protect yourself from being injured.

○ Let the liquid reach to the depth for a few minutes and after that use a razor blade or plastic scraper to remove the adhesiveness.

○ Be Careful while using blades because it can damage your glass.

○ Frequently wipe the glass with a fiber cloth to prevent spreading the adhesiveness around

5. Cleaning/Polishing

○ After removing all the adhesiveness, use soapy water to clean the window using microfiber cloth.

○ For further cleaning you have to use a dry microfiber cloth to make the window fully dry and clean.

○ You can use a glass polish to make the glass further clear and shine. Use it with soft cloth and do it in circular motion.

Some Useful Tips

● Ensure that you do all the work in a controlled environment or in a well-ventilated area specially if you are using some volatile chemicals like ammonia etc.

● Get all the tools ready and place them in such a way that you can easily access them while working.

● If you are feeling uncomfortable or it’s challenging for you to remove the tint, you can ask or get help from your senior or any more experienced person.

Choosing the Best Service Provider

There are many service providers available in the market but selecting the best one for you is a difficult task. Selecting the right professional for window tint removal is important. You need to search about all the service providers and have to look at their reviews. You can do their background check and their experience and expertise level. Certifications and training can be an important factor. If they are certified and well trained, you can consider them for your services. You can also check their customer service reports.

If you are looking for a best service provider for removing, installing or any other services related to the tint. You can visit “Car Tinting Heroes Dubai”. Their workers are very experienced and very expert in their fields. They all are specially certified and well trained for their work. If we talk about the reviews, they have awesome reviews and very excellent customer support service.

Cost of Removing Tint

The cost of removing window tint in Dubai varies based on the service provider. Local, less expensive providers might charge between AED 200 to AED 500, but there’s a higher risk of glass damage, such as scratches, and they often don’t offer guarantees. In contrast, reputable service providers ensure a professional and damage-free removal process but may charge significantly more, potentially doubling the cost to AED 700 or higher for larger vehicles like SUVs. The higher cost reflects the added care and quality of service.

Note: Please note that these costs are approximate and may vary depending on the service provider and specific conditions.

Removing tints from your car’s window can enhance the visibility and legality. Process for removing tint is very easy and straightforward if you have all the tools and right instructions for doing this. As above we gave you a proper guide on how you can remove the tint. You can do it by yourself or you can go to a service provider. You just need to remember the main key points(main steps) for removal. If you are not comfortable with doing all this by yourself or you don’t have proper equipment, you should hire some professional for this work. Although it costs you more, it prevents your time and car’s glass from any type of damage.

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