Posted by : Aahil Shaik Monday, August 12, 2024

Saudi Arabia to host Space Tourism Halo's balloon test flight

The testing of a space balloon prototype in Saudi Arabia this September will be a major milestone on the road to commercial space tourism. The balloon is intended to transport tourists to the stratosphere. Most Viewed : Saudi Arabia amends its labor law

According to a statement released by the Spanish firm Halo Space, the balloon was designed with the intention of providing trips up to 35 kilometers in altitude that do not emit any emissions. In the year 2026, when the business launches commercial operations, the price per ticket is expected to be approximately 150,000 euros, or $163,791.

Halo Space needs to prove the balloon is safe to fly before they can start commercial flights. The Communications, Space and Technology Commission (CST) of Saudi Arabia is backing an upcoming test that will validate essential systems.

"This mission is designed to carefully validate all our critical systems that we have been developing for the past three years," stated Alberto Castrillo, Chief Technology Officer of Halo Space.

As part of the test flight, the Aurora prototype capsule will reach an altitude of 30 kilometers. The business will evaluate the technology's performance during the trip. Recommend : Saudi Arabia revises its Investment Law

Space aspirations of Saudi Arabia :

As part of its goal to become a world leader in near-space exploration, Saudi Arabia has become an important ally for Halo Space, giving the industry a lot of money.

"Aside from its regulatory mandate, CST is also undertaking a supportive function within the civil space sector," stated Frank Salzgeber, acting deputy governor for the space sector at CST. In support of space tourism and other cutting-edge technology developments, this groundbreaking initiative is beneficial to Saudi Arabia's economy.

Significant space exploration has previously been carried out by Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia's sovereign wealth fund, the Public Investment Fund (PIF), made its first investment in the satellite and space industry earlier this year when it established the Neo Space Group to assist the Kingdom's satellite and space industry. Read : 6 types of Leaves and Holidays in Saudi Labor Law

Officially, the Neo Space Group (NSG) is "PIF's first investment focused on the space industry," according to the sovereign wealth fund's claim.

Rayyanah Barnawi became the first female astronaut from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia last year, one of two Saudi astronauts flown into space.

It is Halo Space's intention to begin crewed flights in the year 2025 and then commercial flights in the year 2026. Starting with 10,000 customers at the beginning of commercial operations and continuing until the end of the decade, the company aims to lower the barrier to entry for space travel by the year 2030. Join Saudi Expatriates WhatsApp channel

Saudi Arabia to host Space Tourism Halo's balloon test flight -
Saudi Arabia to host Space Tourism Halo's balloon test flight

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